MAC Phonics Stories are a series of books designed for the early reader. They are very colorful and visually appealing. Phonics concepts are introduced in a sequenced fashion, allowing the reader to build his or her skills with each book. Following the character, MAC, through the stories is a delight. He is a kind-hearted and thoughtful friend.
DVD和CD真是太棒了! 每一个音素的发音都非常准确。通过DVD形象、直观的展示,有效地帮助初学者掌握音素直接拼读出单词的方法,即“直拼法”―― 以往的教学实践显示,对于初学者来说,掌握“直拼法”通常很困难的。歌曲节奏鲜明,进一步帮助小朋友们掌握单词的准确发音和记忆。这个系列通过视觉和听觉上的展现,为小朋友们学习英语的阅读打下坚实的基础。
The DVDs and CDs are excellent! The pronunciation of each phoneme is very precise. The visual cues promote the concept of blending sounds together – a skill that is often difficult for the early reader. The songs are very upbeat and reinforce the words of the story. The visual and auditory presentations of the books provide a solid foundation for the reading process, incorporating both a phonetic and sight-word approach.